

Stop The Self Sabotage:


There will always be so much to do. So much to correct about ourselves. Yet, in our pursuit of our perfect selves, we often forget the most important thing to do. To stop burdening ourselves with ourselves.

Let me explain a few ways we all can live our best and unique selves.



The Way We Value Our Time:


A wise person said, “Many a people want to live a 100 years who don’t know what to do with a lazy Sunday afternoon.” This quote is exactly why I love the concept of valuing time so much. This moment is gone, now this one and another one just went by.

At the most basic state of affairs, life unfolds itself in two ways. There’s information and there’s how we perceive this information using our emotions. We spend an awful amount of time ruminating on what others might have meant with their words. Stop it.



Surrender To What Matters:


Not what’s going to be irrelevant with time. Do what you truly believe in doing that will add value to your precious life. Many of us live life worried too much about our inner chatter and others’ opinion of us. Only to realize years later, you should have reached out to your loved one, you should have paid attention to your bank balance, you should have quit that marriage, or had that difficult conversation with your daughter.

The brain is constantly protecting you from doing tough things. It’s truly a partner in crime – a crime you should nip in the nick of time almost always. It wants you to feel comfortable, secure and fully in control of your life. Know when to move on and when to hang on.



Our Desires and Frustrations:


Gandhi had only 6 possessions to his name towards the end of his life. Everything thing else around him, he would say belonged to the community he lived in. Baggage comes into our lives both physically and metaphorically. Whatever it might be, when we stop carrying the baggage we’re carrying around, we become free to become what we truly want to be!

And those expectations we have from others, while we assign ourselves so few duties? We want our children to get that PhD we were not able to, we want our friends to be giving and we want our bosses to be considerate. Expectations choke the joy of being any kind of relationship.

Still want to keep collecting? How many truly valuable and timeless things do you own?



A Burden To Ourselves:


This is a big one. If we don’t unburden ourselves of emotions of self-doubt, and regret, life’s going to be impossible to get through. Forget about what others think you should be doing or feeling or even wearing!

It’s a lost cause, no one’s been able to blow people’s minds without gathering a few critics. And same goes with wanting to give an explanation of how you spend your days let alone your life. Unless, of course, you’re doing something criminal and are being a prick in the community.



Adapting With Changing Times:


Our culture tells us that when things don’t go our way, we must be sad, we must fret and if all fails, protest – sometimes very violently. Don’t flow upstream. Don’t try to fight your circumstances and resist your changing circumstances. And don’t panic and live with status quo.

Whichever way you want to look at it, every change brings with it an opportunity. If the change is favorable to our expectations, it brings abundance and prosperity. If the change is adversity, it brings an opportunity to learn a lesson.

It helps to remember that feelings of sadness, fear, disappointment or rage are not built to last. Emulate nature. No storm lasts forever. And in its wake, there’s always hope that comes from rebuilding our lives.



Leave No Scope For Misunderstandings:


With the ubiquity of technology, our communication is becoming more and more linear day-by-day. But the basic elements of communication are always the same.

An effective speech at the least should inform and entertain and at the very best must inspire the audience into positive action. Hurtful words of judgment and prejudice in the real world and the online world behind the walls of anonymity can be destructive. Words also be taken out of context on the internet where the intent of the person on the other end can be open to interpretation in a lot of different ways.

There is great wisdom in silence in those times especially when we don’t agree with the words that are being thrown at us. After all, communication is how we find our voice, our identity and make our impact in the world.



Embrace The Now:


We live in times when productivity is prized. And there’s a great need to slooooooooooooow down. Take Cues from Nature. Nature is continuous, eternal and unyielding. What’s your true nature? Like the water drop, let’s learn to enjoy the present moment. If the water drop were to think of itself as on the verge of crashing to the ground, it will miss its “now” – which is still, balanced and breathtaking.

The five elements, earth, fire, water, air and space, don’t seem to tell each other that in their own power, they stand alone, and are not really dependent on one another.

They simply exist with unconditional trust, freedom and generosity in this shared space. They teach us to reserve my judgement, perceptions, and just be accepting and content and to believe that we’re blessed to someday disintegrate and become one with them.




There it is! A manifesto on how to stop self-sabotaging, and start living your best life.



Let The Transformative Power Of Self Compassion Guide You To Your Potential





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About The Article Author:

Our mission with FutureSTRONG Academy – to grow children who respect themselves, their time and their capabilities in a world where distractions are just a click or a swipe away.

I see myself as an advocate for bringing social, emotional and character development to families, schools and communities. I never want to let this idea out of my sight – Our children are not just GPAs. I’m a Writer and a Certified Master Coach in NLP and CBT. Until 2017, I was also a Big Data Scientist. In December of 2044, I hope to win the Nobel. Namasté

Write to me or call me. Tell me what support from me looks like. 

Rachana Nadella-Somayajula,
Program Director & Essential Life Skills Coach for Kids and Busy Parents

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